Driver Info

Safety Information

Keeping you safe on the road

Common Injuries Faced by Delivery Drivers

Delivery drivers are susceptible to various injuries due to the nature of their work, which involves manual labor, prolonged periods on the road, and navigating customers' properties. These injuries can range from repetitive strain injuries and back problems to accidents and hazards encountered during the delivery process.

Repetitive Strain and Musculoskeletal Issues

Delivery work involves manual labor and heavy lifting, which can lead to repetitive strain injuries and damage to the back and joints.

Road Accidents

Spending long hours on the road increases the likelihood of being involved in car accidents. Drivers may experience whiplash, broken bones, or more severe injuries depending on the severity of the crash.

Hazards in Customers' Properties

Entering customers' premises carries risks such as attacks from pets, like dogs, as well as potential hazards such as slippery surfaces or unkept stairs. These can result in injuries during delivery.

It is crucial for delivery drivers to be aware of these potential hazards and take preventive measures to minimise the risk of injuries. You should also prioritise your safety by reviewing all training material, equipment, and support to mitigate these common risks.

Key Safety Tips for Drivers

Practice safe lifting techniques

Bend your knees, lift with your legs, and keep your back straight. Ask for help with heavy items if needed.

Avoid repetitive motion

Vary your seat position, posture, and take breaks to prevent numbness and strain in your arms, elbows, wrists, shoulders, and neck.

Take breaks to prevent fatigue

Ensure you have adequate rest and breaks during long shifts to reduce the risk of fatigue-related injuries.

Prioritise personal health

Maintain a healthy diet, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly to support your overall well-being and recovery.

Safety Overview Video

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Using the App

Using the App

app homescreen

Installation & Signup

  1. On your mobile, click the links below to install the Cobber Driver app

2. Open the app and enter requested signup details.  This is a 2-step process where we'll first ask for basic details and then about details of your vehicle and driver's license

3. Once the form is completed, you will receive an SMS to verify your phone number.  Enter that code and you will be taken into the app.  You won't yet be able to do much as we will now verify your details and then activate your account

Using the app

Once you have been activated, you can:

Find delivery jobs

At the bottom of the page, you will see the Delivery drawer.  We have 2 types of delivery jobs - instant and scheduled.  Instant is to be delivered asap and scheduled will have a date and time attached to it.  The drawer will pop up when tapped and you can see available jobs by tapping on them.  Clicking accept will accept the job.

Note that jobs will appear based on proximity to your current location.  You can browse jobs by sliding the map and then click the target on the top right to re-centre the map to your current location.

Access the slide out menu

Clicking on the 3 bars on the top left of the screen takes you to the slideout menu.  From there, you can edit your profile (click on the photo), see your earnings, review past deliveries and find information about Cobber and useful information about the services we offer.

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app map

Getting Paid

Once you have done a delivery, if you click on the Earnings item from the Slide out menu, you will see a Total Earning amount.

First up, you'll need to add a Payment Method by clicking on the "Add method +" area and then entering your bank account details.

Once that's completed, you can click on Withdraw Payment and it will send the request through to us.  The money will be transferred on a periodic basis on receiving that request.



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Have more questions? Feel free to get in touch.


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